
Griffith Sailing Club’s membership runs from 1 September every year and is payable by the end of October.

A one-off fee is applicable for new memberships to cover the cost of your key and administration.

Once you join the Griffith Sailing Club, you will be issued a key to the premises, toilets and clubhouse. This gives you full access to the great facilities available.

Apply for Membership


Storage of your boat, kayak or scull is available at very reasonable charges.

You can keep your boat at the club, turn up, rig it, go out and enjoy the lake and put it away without the worry of towing it and storing It at home.

Facilities & Events

Enjoy the Sailing Club with your family and friends.

You can bring family and friends out and enjoy a BBQ by the lake. Watch the kids as they enjoy a dip in safety where they can be easily supervised and in the knowledge that there are no power boats around.

In addition to the regular Sunday afternoon sailing, we hold 2 regattas every year. These events bring sailors from around the Riverina and further afield back to Griffith every year.

Sailing Australia

As members of the Griffith Sailing Club, you also become a member of Sailing Australia.

This give you a number of benefits:

  • Personal accident insurance offered to all members aged between 5 and 85. Cover if you are sailing, cruising, participating and officiating in races, race training and on the premises of an affiliated yacht club. The cover includes death and disability compensation, non-Medicare medical expenses and, for income earners, an accident weekly benefit.
  • MY SAILOR an online tool for individual members and enables you to record your own sailing and boating activities and details
  • Ability to participate in Australian sailing sanctioned events
  • Regular sailing news updates and access to sailing RESOURCES for those with online access
  • Member discounts at
  • Access to appeals & Australian sailing training schemes